Our Story

Jeff Burkhart started Burkhart Agency in 1980 and made the decision in 2021 to retire and spend more time at his second home in Michigan. The team of Terry Hahn, Debbie Hutton and Renee Brickler are still hard at work with the Burkhart clientele offering years of expertise and experience. Terry joined the HSI/BIA team in October of 2021, bringing 25 years of insurance experience with him. While serving clients with a wide variety of insurance solutions, his experience with personal insurance lines brings great value to his clients. Debbie Hutton had worked with Jeff since 2007 and then once Jeff retired, she made the transition to the Ohio office working with HSI dba Burkhart Insurance in December of 2021. Renee Brichler also started working with Jeff and Debbie in the Kentucky office in 2014 and has since made the jump to the Ohio office as of December of 2021. The partnership with Huesman Schmid has been a great relationship offering our clients a wide range of carriers to chose from for their insurance needs. The office is conveniently located on Cheviot Road in White Oak, so stop by when you're in the area.
Integrity..............in all our dealings
Empathy.............for the Clients position
Respect..............for the Clients, Fellow workers, Company personnel, Vendors and for all of those we touch
Fairness..............for the Client and Company
Reward...............produce a fair product for our Agency, our Employees and our Companies